Topics: Climate Change Through Time
Anthro 450/550. Biol 419/519, EPS 400/547, section 006
Spring 2012, Tues/Thurs 9:30-10:45, Castetter 107
Fred Whiteman Catherine Mitchell Rebekah Levine
Marron Hall 237 Anthropology B76 Northrup Hall 130
Tues 1-2, 3:30-4:30 Wed 3-5 Tues/Thurs 10:50-11:50
Purpose: The purpose of this course is to learn about the history of Earth’s climate and the methods we use to study it. This will help us gain insight into the climate change episode the Earth is currently experiencing. You will read background and current papers in climate science and carry out projects using real climate data.
Text: Texts for this course will be available online. You’ll read a background paper/chapter and current research paper each week. You can find the readings by going to (This is linked in the sidebar.)
Course structure & requirements: In a typical week we will have a lecture on a research method on Tuesday, and then discuss a current scientific paper using that method on Thursday. We will use a blog ( to reinforce our classroom discussions. You will be required to post a comment on the blog entry for each week by 8PM the night before the discussion. This is part of your participation grade. In the first three weeks you will also write a more detailed breakdown of two papers called a QuALMRI Reaction Paper to help you learn to read a scientific paper effectively. You will have four projects in this class – two small independent projects, one large group paper and presentation, and one large independent paper and presentation.
Course policies: You are expected to attend every class. If you miss a discussion you will lose participation points. All assignments must be turned in on time. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and any assignment containing plagiarized material will receive a zero.
Grading: Grades will be based on:
· 1/3 participation points
o QuALMRI reaction papers – 20 points
o 5 points for participation in the blog each week – 60 points
o 5 points for participation in class discussion each week – 60 points
· 1/3 small & group project points
o Ice core project – 40 points
o Leaf margin project – 40 points
o Isotope group project – paper & presentation – 60 points
· 1/3 independent project
o Outline – 20 points
o Paper – 60 points
o Presentation – 60 points